Easy access to administrative boundary defined by GADM from a Python scripts.

This lib provides access to GADM datasets from a Python script without manually downloading the file from the project server. We provide access to the current version (4.1.) which delimits 400,276 administrative areas.

The data are freely available for academic use and other non-commercial use. Redistribution, or commercial use is not allowed without prior permission. See the license of the GADM project for more details.


The dataset are generated in the GADM (Global Administrative Areas) project from Berkeley University. Any request relative to the geometries should be redirected to them.


Learn how to install the lib from different sources.


Usage demonstration of the lib.

API references

The complete API reference

install it using either pip or conda:

pip install pygadm

and then request area of interest from their name or GADM code:

import pygadm

gdf = pygadm.Items(name="Singapore", content_level=1)